Hello, I'm Héloïse Colrat, an artist and glassblower based in Brussels. I collaborate with specific places and times, and there are as many projects as cooperation within a given context. I’m into things we hardly notice or simply don't know about. Contact me if you think we can come up with something together. Here's some info and links to other media .



Series of blown-molded glass, 3 design in 25 copy each, 20x5x5cm

Conception et réalisation d’une série de verres soufflés. Les verres sont issus de combinaisons formelles faites avec des tuyauteries en PVC. Projet réalisé dans le cadre d’une résidence artistique pour Le Trouble, bar officiel d’ISO, un espace pour l’art contemporain à Amsterdam.

Design and production of a series of blown glasses. The shape of those glasses come from formal combinations with PVC pipes.

Project realized as part of an artistic residency for Le Trouble, the official bar of ISO, a space for contemporary art in Amsterdam.

© 2025 Héloïse Colrat. All rights reserved.