Hello, I'm Héloïse Colrat, an artist and glassblower based in Brussels. I collaborate with specific places and times, and there are as many projects as cooperation within a given context. I’m into things we hardly notice or simply don't know about. Contact me if you think we can come up with something together. Here's some info and links to other media .


Les deux tirants

hand spun glass, 23x12x4 cm

Le S (et Les deux tirants) sont deux pièces qui s’inspirent des clés de tirants. Ces dernières sont des pièces de ferronnerie présentent sur les façades de bâtiments anciens, souvent en forme de S ou de X, elles servent d’ancrage pour rapprocher des murs qui s’écartent à l’aide d’une tige fileté. Pour cette exposition The problem with Tricksters, qui jouent sur les faux semblant dans un décor de rues en carton pâte, les clés de tirants se jouent de leurs formes et de leurs noms en muant en serpents.

Le S (and Les deux tirants) are two pieces inspired by the tie-rod keys. These objects are pieces of ironwork found on the facades of old buildings, often in the shape of an S or an X, they serve as anchors to bring together walls that are moving apart with the help of a threaded rod. For this exhibition, The problem with Tricksters, which plays on pretence in a cardboard decor of streets, the tie-rod keys play with their shapes and names by turning into snakes.

Photo credits : Lola Pertsowsky

© 2025 Héloïse Colrat. All rights reserved.