Hello, I'm Héloïse Colrat, an artist and glassblower based in Brussels. I collaborate with specific places and times, and there are as many projects as cooperation within a given context. I’m into things we hardly notice or simply don't know about. Contact me if you think we can come up with something together. Here's some info and links to other media .


Le Marseillais

carved soap, 3.9×2.4×1.4cm

Derrière la vitrine d’une épicerie de nuit, cette pièce questionne l’économie, une économie de moyen autant qu’une économie de geste. Les deux éléments qui la composent ont été sculptés dans un même savon acheté dans l’épicerie pour deux euros. Ils sont la reproduction de petites pièces en métal qui soutiennent les rayonnages dans les vitrines. La simple action d’inverser le sens de l’un d’entre eux rend le dispositif inutile. Ce même geste est aussi initiateur d’autres récits. Un récit qui se raconte tout bas, qui parle de sa condition d’objet d’art dans une exposition.

Displayed behind the window of a night-shop, this piece raises economical questions, the economy of means as well as the economy of gesture. This piece is composed by two elements, both sculpted into one soap previously bought in the night-shop for two euros. It's the reproduction of smalls metal parts that hold the shelves in the shop-window. The simple gesture of flipping one of these elements makes the device useless. It also initiate other narratives. A whispered narrative dealing with his own condition as an art-piece in an exhibition.

Photo credits: Lucas Zambon

© 2025 Héloïse Colrat. All rights reserved.