Hello, I'm Héloïse Colrat, an artist and glassblower based in Brussels. I collaborate with specific places and times, and there are as many projects as cooperation within a given context. I’m into things we hardly notice or simply don't know about. Contact me if you think we can come up with something together. Here's some info and links to other media .


L'épi de faîtage

part of a co-installation with Amalia Laurent and Fabien Silvestre-Suzor into the protestant temple of Faugères

vinyards poles, stamped polished steel, 800x150x150 cm

"Entre espace céleste et matérialité terrestre, la déambulation se termine au temple, où les trois artistes se confrontent à la dimension spirituelle du lieu. L’évocation des cieux, image du sacré par excellence, se manifeste dans le traitement coloré du voile suspendu qui encadre la chaire, laissant passer la lumière dans une théâtralité baroque que vient renforcer la présence d’une perche, telle une sainte lance. Orchestrant un renversement spatial du temple, à l’instar, là encore, des fragments de ciel, captés dans les traces de putréfaction du plafond et ramenés au sol sous la forme de photographies, leur intervention commune résonne comme un vaste memento mori, où la persistance de l'objet – l'épi de faîtage qui surmonte la perche - semble incarner la fragile armature d'une mémoire collective à raviver sans cesse."

Extrait du texte de Maud Marron-Wojewodzki écrit pour l'exposition Le banc, le drap et l'étagère avec les artistes Amalia Laurent et Fabien Silvestre-Suzor à Faugères.

"Between celestial space and earthly materiality, the wandering ends at the temple, where the three artists confront the spiritual dimension of the place. The evocation of the heavens, the image of the sacred par excellence, is manifested in the colourful treatment of the suspended veil that frames the shrine, allowing light to pass through in a baroque theatricality that is reinforced by the presence of a pole, like a holy lance. Orchestrating a spatial reversal of the temple, like the fragments of sky captured in the traces of putrefaction on the ceiling and brought to the ground in the form of photographs, their joint intervention resounds like a vast memento mori, where the persistence of the object - the finial that surmounts the pole - seems to embody the fragile framework of a collective memory that must be constantly revived."

Extract from the text written by Maud Marron-Wojewodzki for the exhibition Le banc, le drap et l'étagère with the artists Amalia Laurent and Fabien Silvestre-Suzor in Faugères.

Photo credits : Fabien Silvestre-Suzor

© 2025 Héloïse Colrat. All rights reserved.