Hello, I'm Héloïse Colrat, an artist and glassblower based in Brussels. I collaborate with specific places and times, and there are as many projects as cooperation within a given context. I’m into things we hardly notice or simply don't know about. Contact me if you think we can come up with something together. Here's some info and links to other media .


Jama Baňa

video, 05min 02sec

Écran noir, on entend uniquement une voix off nous livrant un récit énigmatique. C’est seulement à la fin de cette narration qu’apparaissent les images ; cinq plans différents qui s’enchaînent à la manière de vidéos de caméras de surveillance. Cinq plans qui s’avèrent être le décor de l’histoire, vidé de ses personnages.

C’est dans ce creux entre le récit et les images que le

spectateur est à même de se raconter sa propre histoire.

Black screen, we only hear a voice-over giving us an enigmatic story. It’s only after this narrative that images appear ; five different shots that follow each other in the way of video surveillance cameras. Five shots that constitute the set-up of the story emptied of its characters. It’s in this hollow between the narrative and the images that the spectator is able to create his own story.

© 2025 Héloïse Colrat. All rights reserved.