Hello, I'm Héloïse Colrat, an artist and glassblower based in Brussels. I collaborate with specific places and times, and there are as many projects as cooperation within a given context. I’m into things we hardly notice or simply don't know about. Contact me if you think we can come up with something together. Here's some info and links to other media .



Figure licencieuse, copie d’un modillon d’une église romane du XIIe s.

stand and telescopic steel pole, 570 cm, sculpted figure in aerated concrete, 7.5x6x5 cm

La monumentalité de ce dispositif de monstration est en opposition avec la petitesse de la sculpture qu’elle donne à voir. Cette pièce, crée dans le cadre d’une exposition clandestine dans une ancien club libertin, symbolise l’omniprésence de l’art malgré son invisibilisation lors des derniers confinements.

La figure sculptée s’inspire d’un modillon présent sur l’église romane de Chalais en Vendée.

Cet élément d’architecture représente ici une femme-vulve exhibant son sexe. Ces figures licencieuses sont appelées des contre-modèles et montrent aux fidèles les vices de chair à exclure de leur quotidien.

The monumentality of this display device is in opposition with the smallness of the sculpture it shows. This piece, created as part of a clandestine exhibition in a former libertine club, symbolises the omnipresence of art despite its invisibilisation during the last lockdowns.

The sculpted figure is inspired by a modillion found on the Roman church of Chalais in Vendée. This architectural element represents a woman-vulva showing her sex. These licentious figures are called counter-models and they show to the faithful the deadly sins to be excluded from their daily life.

© 2025 Héloïse Colrat. All rights reserved.